If a look out of your window reveals you have miles of cornfields and country roads around your home. On the other hand, you may spend an hour a day on a packed highway driving to and from your employer. Where you live matters to your auto insurance coverage. It’s always a good idea to let your car
insurance agent know about where you live, especially if you move. Here’s why it makes a big difference.
It’s About the Risk
There are many factors that play a role in your auto insurance coverage. The car you own, the available safety features on it, and the type of coverage you buy are all big factors in determining your costs. Yet, small things play a role, too, especially when it has to do with your risk levels. Location is one such factor. Consider a few reasons you could pay more or less.
- You live in an area with more crime.
In many cases, an area’s crime rate will play a role in what you pay for auto insurance. In areas where there is more crime, your vehicle is more likely to experience theft or vandalism. That means there’s more risk your insurer needs to compensate for within your policy. You might therefore pay more.
- You live in an area with a lot of wildlife.
If deer like spending time in your backyard, chances are good you could pay a bit more for auto insurance. Country roads can be fantastic because they have fewer motor vehicle collisions with other cars. However, there’s a higher chance of collisions with wildlife. In some areas, that pushes costs up.
- Your community’s busy streets see a lot of accidents and moving violations.
In areas where speeds are high, such as highways, risks are higher. It is not uncommon for those who live in urban areas with high accident rates to spend more for car insurance. Insurers use past data to get a better idea about how likely you are to be in an accident. If there is a higher risk, your costs can go up.
Location Is Just One Factor
Locational risk factors do not mean that someone living in the urban heart of a city is always going to have an expensive auto insurance plan. Other factors typically impact your rates more so than where you live. However, it is important to let your car insurance agent know if you do move.
Also Read: Protecting Yourself and Your Car on Rural Roads